January 30, 2007

More almost-3-years-old wierdness

I swear, I do not know why the child is so odd. :P

Tonight as we were leaving daycare, she stood in the front yard of her caregiver's house and watched the moon for a few minutes. I gave her a few minutes and then went to the car and waited...waited...waited. Finally told her I'd count to 3, and if she didn't start coming on her own, I'd come get her. She said, "I'm coming". I started counting, and she said, "I'm coming!" Woah. Sorry.

The ensuing conversation was what made left me shaking my head, though:

C: I wanna see the moon. It my friend.

Me: I know the moon is your friend, but let's just get buckled in and you'll see the moon once we start driving.

C: I wanna have it! It my best friend!!!

Seriously. Best friends with the moon.

She's fickle, though. I asked her before I put her to bed, who her best friend is. She said, "My baby" (as in, her doll).

Lucky for me, the title of Mommy isn't transferrable. :)

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