January 22, 2007

It occurs to me...

...whilst gazing at the pics I posted a few moments ago, that my sidebar description of myself, all label-free and all, is wrong. I finished breastfeeding my Sweet C in September; two and a half years, to the day, after she was born. Well, more accurately, she finished. Took me a few days to realized she hadn't nursed in a while (we were down to nursing only at bedtime anyways) and that was it for us. :) Went out with a whimper, more than with a bang.

Well, not even a whimper, really.

Just as it should be.

(Um...I'm also not cloth-diapering any more - well, only when we run out of sposies during a cash drought - but I'm blaming that on her daycare providers who can't wrap their heads around wrapping cloth around a baby's bum.)

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