July 19, 2006


My daughter C. is two. She has a language all her own. It is, in fact, much like English and definitely has all the inflections and sounds reasonably similar - but it takes a finely trained ear to pick up the little nuances of the language.

Here, then, a small C-to-English translation guide:

Melmow: elbow
Beebee seepy: baby sleeping
Beedee: blanket (this one was tough to figure out since it sounds so much like beebee)
Deuce: juice
Up: mouth (this one is my fault, from having said "Open up" so many times and never saying "Open your mouth")
Hoo hoo hock: cuckoo clock

But her all-purpose word, the word that is appropriate in almost any situation, is:

Owie!: stop, don't wash my face, don't try to pick me up, don't try to change my diaper, don't hug me right now, I don't want to kiss you, don't put sunscreen on me, don't make me leave the park, don't try to stop me from doing what I'm doing right now, don't put my hair up, etc.

1 comment:

Julie said...

whaaaa!!! my little niece-ling! what a cutie :P