June 08, 2006

Me, me, me!

I have two children, a boy and a girl. The million-dollar-family, so I've been told (more than once); but to quote Forrest Gump, "I still ain't seen a nickel of that million dollars."

I got married young. I was 19. Didn't procreate for almost six years though so I was coming up on 25 before my son was born. Fortunately it seems I hooked up with the right soul, as we have been happily married now for over nearly twelve years.

About the name of my blog and my URL: My body is carrying a goodly amount of excess weight. It looks good on me. I've got hips and boobs, and my children love to snuggle with me because I'm squishy; and hubby likes my big butt. I decided last year to celebrate my body and all it has accomplished, with a tattoo. Picture quality is crappy but it says "Zaftig".

From http://www.thefreedictionary.com/zaftig :

zaf·tig or zof·tig (zäftk, -tg)
1. Full-bosomed.
2. Having a full, shapely figure.
[Yiddish zaftik, juicy, from Middle High German saftec, from saft, juice, from Old High German saf.]

C'est moi. :)

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