July 16, 2007

Summer addiction

I am stubborn. I really hate being told I have to do something. I balk at following trends just because everyone else is doing it - the simple reason that everyone else is doing it, is enough to make me not want to. This especially applies to books, movies and TV shows. Best seller list? Couldn't care less. Huge fan base? Pfffft. If it looks interesting, I'll check it out; otherwise, mass hysteria over a book or show just sends me running in the opposite direction.

I really am a freak. I know it.

So it was with trepidation that I decided to download the first season of Grey's Anatomy. I know a large number of people who are addicted; I've listened to the conversations about the characters and plots; and thought it was probably an insipid soap opera with no real depth of character. But when I heard that Paul Adelstein (Paul Kellerman, Prison Break) would be joining the spinoff, Private Practice, I thought I might want to watch that show. I am a huge fan of Paul Adelstein; he is an amazing actor, unbelievably talented and so versatile. Highly underrated as an actor. So I thought perhaps I'd check out Grey's, get some context around the characters so I'd know what was going on with the spinoff. The first season of Grey's was only nine episodes; not a major commitment (or a huge bandwith usage).


I am HOOKED. I am now halfway through season two (which I finally found in English after having downloaded first French, then Italian, episodes!!) and I absolutely love the show. The writing is awesome, love the characters. I'm a MerDer shipper. I am so the fan of the star-crossed lovers theme. I've tried desperately to hate Addison, but she's such a good doctor; just can't do it. And can I add, TV shows on DVD are totally the way to go; I might as well not ever watch regular-season TV again. No commercials, and I go from one episode into the next with no break in between. Five eppies a night? Love it.

You HAVE TO watch it.

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