March 04, 2007

Taking a few days off

Well, I'm officially on holidays; yesterday was my allergy study which I *really* didn't count as holidays. Definitely not a holiday.

Tomorrow I have some stuff to do around the house, and some shopping to do to get ready for my trip to "Trawnna". Tuesday morning I'm going with J on his school field trip; they are going to a conservation area to see how maple syrup is made. J already knows how, having an great-uncle that does that very thing north of the city, but he's looking forward to it nevertheless.

Then I get back from there, and I catch the train to The Big Smoke at 2:30-ish. Won't be back till late on Wednesday; and then I'm going to tackle the basement on Thursday-Friday. Lucky me. It won't know what hit it.

So I'm going to take a few days off from internet et al, aside from checking bank balances, etc.

Catch ya on the flip side. :)

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