February 01, 2007


My son has his first crush. On a little girl in his class. Apparently she returns his affection. Their names rhyme and everything - it's totally meant to be!

I couldn't place who the little girl was, when he told me her name; so I had him point her out in his class picture. She is a pretty little gal, and I told him so. He kinda giggled and blushed and said, "I know!" It is way too friggin' adorable.

I bought a package of Valentines for him to give to his class; and last night as he was checking out the package (they're Duck Dodgers cards) he said, "Mom, there are no girl cards in here!!" Meaning there are no cards with girly pictures on them. He wants a "speshul" Valentine to give to her.

He told me he writes her love notes in class. I was curious as to how this works, since his reading and writing is only *fair* at this point. He said he writes his name, and he writes her name, and he puts hearts around them. Awwww!!

It's all just too cute for words.

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