Dear Katie, Here is your horoscope for Monday, June 12: Has it ever occurred to
you that the areas of your life where you're most enthusiastic might hold the
key to your financial stability? A hobby or interest has the potential to become
a new career choice.
Hmm. What am I most enthusiastic about? I love being a woman, a wife and a mother. I really enjoy sewing. I'm passionate about the environment. I volunteer at my local sexual assault centre, and I am a strong advocate for higher conviction rate and much stronger sentences for sexual violence. I love to plan meals and try new recipes.
The reason I'm giving this serious thought now is because I plan to go to university in 5 years' time. Notice I didn't say, "back to university". For a number of reasons, it wasn't in the cards for me to go to university as a young adult. I feel as though I'd be really cheating myself if I didn't pursue a university career. Even if I go do university then return to the insurance field, I'll have opened up a number of management-level options that have a university career as a prerequisite.
(I'd like to take this opportunity to add that I don't necessarily agree that for an early-30s career woman with over a decade of experience in my industry, the fact that I don't hold any random university degree, excludes me as a candidate for a job that I would totally rock [not the wording I'll use on my cover letter]. I happen to work in an office with two individuals, both management staff, who hold a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science, and an Honours Degree in Film Studies, respectively. But I digress. I realize that the reality is that if I want to be considered as a candidate for a management job in this industry, particularly as a female competing against male candidates, I need to have a university degree.)
So now I need to figure out what to take in university. I'm open to suggestions.
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