November 28, 2006
November 26, 2006
Prison Break fall finale - squeeeeee!!
The biggest reason I watch PB: I am a huge MiSa shipper (Michael/Sara relationship fan). The developments in their relationship over the last few weeks have made me SQUEEEEEEEEE.
Tomorrow night is the fall finale, before the show goes on hiatus until the end of January. I am getting together with my good friend Kenny, who is also a huge PB fan, to watch the finale. I am so excited for the show; but also bummed that I won't see any new shows for two months! FOX's original plan was to take the show on hiatus for FOUR months, like they did last season; so I can at least be grateful that they've rethought that outstanding little bit of programming genius. Thank goodness for bit torrent downloads!
November 22, 2006
The cutest things in the world
I realized yesterday that the sweet little moments outweigh the moments of terrible behaviour when you wonder why on earth you had kids. This isn't, of course, the first time I've thought of this; but every so often it really becomes apparent. The quality of the sweet moments outweigh the bad moments at least 100 to 1.
Yesterday morning I was upstairs getting ready for work, when I heard C. asking to get out of her high chair. I called downstairs to ask J. to get her out. He came over to take off the tray, and said to her, "Pick up your juice, C." and she said, "It miwk, J.!"
Awwwwwww!!! :) Sweet little interactions like that get my day off to such a great start.
15 years
November 21, 2006
Paint fumes
My office is being painted. Not just my own room; but the entire office. It's not a huge office; about 2,000 sq ft. They started last Monday. As in, a week ago. They're not finished yet and I'm about ready to scream.
They started painting my own office yesterday morning. Two coats on the walls. Looks great. This morning I asked my boss whether they could please just get the trim done so I could move my furniture back towards the walls. Everything is currently shoved into the middle and I can barely even put my feet under my desk, let alone nagivate the office comfortably. Yeah, they painted the trim; but apparently another coat needs to go on, and despite the fact that the trim was dry by 12:30, the second coat still had not gone by the time the guy left for the day at 3:30. My own office space is about 7 feet by 11 feet. 77 sq. ft. Three fucking days?? I could have painted the room with my fucking TONGUE faster than this.
I am so sick of the smell of paint; if I never smell it again it'll be too soon.
August 19, 2006
No raaaaaaaaain!!
Congratulations, Heidi & Bob!! **smooches**
August 12, 2006
Wow - this is cool.
I know there's a reason for it - I don't know what it is, but they're incredibly well-rehearsed and it looked pretty seamless to me! Wow!
August 07, 2006
August 04, 2006
The Magnificent Seven
Prison Break returns to Fox on Monday, August 21!! Click here for more Season 2 promo pics on Just Jared! :)
August 01, 2006
What are you doing to conserve energy as demands reach peak levels? The Ontario government is requesting that people set their air conditioners no lower than 26 degrees, keep blinds closed, and use flourescent bulbs.
I also think it's a good idea to have an minimum temp at which retail stores and offices must keep their indoor environment during times of peak energy usage; stores which do not comply with this would be fined. I am thinking in particular of a Food Basics store in my area which is about 20 degrees indoors - no lie. The energy-sucking refrigeration and freezer units in the store go a long way to keep the temperature down; freezing the customers serves no purpose and only increases the demand on the Ontario power grid.
(Update: my Weather Weather Eye says we've slipped to a chilly 29 degrees.)
I read an article today (link) that referred to previous records set for Ontario electricity demand; up until the beginning of the new millennium or so, those records were set during extremely cold winters as people turned up the heat. All of the current top twenty peak days, have been set during summer heat waves. What is meeting the demand on those days? Plants operating on nuclear power, hydroelectricity, wind power, and, of all things, coal.
I strongly believe that Ontario has the capability to become, at least, a North American leader in the pursuit of sustainable and renewable forms of energy. Geographically, our province has a hugely diverse landscape spanning from Point Pelee to Hudson Bay, the St. Lawrence & Great Lakes Lowlands to the Canadian Shield - in those vast expanses between, there must be sustainable sources of energy we can harness. We know they are there; the money to develop these must be a priority for Ontarians if we expect to see our descendants live into the 22nd century and beyond.
Katie The Tree Hugger says, Don't be a power hog! :)
July 30, 2006
Neighbours who suck a$$
I found myself shaking my head in disbelief at my good luck earlier this spring when both units were vacated within a month of each other. I did so, of course, with the trepidation of not knowing who their successors may be.
On one side, I now have a lovely young couple with a small child, and a dog who, despite being the size of an elephant, has never had an offensive "deposit" left on the lawn for more than a moment before his owners scooped it up and disposed of it. This huge dog also never barks (whines occasionally, being a husky). Could not ask for more friendly and respectful neighbours.
On the other side, we have Hillbilly Heaven. The patriarch of HH is a quiet, middle aged gentleman. He isn't the problem.
His adult son and daughter-in-law, and their 3-year-old, are the problem. They keep their own unit and lawn, tidy and clean enough. Everything looks nice. It's their utter lack of respect for others that sends me to the moon.
Adult son has never worn clothing on his upper body. Like, ever. And lives in a red ball cap, camouflage shorts, and workboots. Daughter-in-law is quiet enough, but I'm guessing she's not overly bright. 3-year-old is disrespectful of others' things, particularly my garden tools which I place neatly on my front step for the next time I'm to use them; and my six-year-old's toys; he has also squirted me in the face with a water gun - twice - while his mother, 20 feet away, said nothing.
They have a friend who visits with two little white dogs; these dogs are prolific in bowel elimination, and it never gets picked up. Fab.
They have parties that last till after midnight. Said parties happen to take place outside our bedroom windows at the back of our house - pop quiz, does excessive alcohol consumption make a group of people (a) quieter or (b) louder? You only get one guess.
This morning the daugher-in-law was sitting on her front step with a friend who lives in another of the townhouse units here who coincidentally also has a 3-year-old, who loves to screech at the top of his lungs incessantly. His pronounciation is really poor, so I guess he makes up for it in volume. But I digress. They were sitting outside having their morning coffee and cigarettes, watching the two boys play. One of the little boys had to pee. Braniac from the other unit tells him to go pee on the tree. So he hangs it out in the middle of the lawn (nowhere near the tree - not that peeing on the tree would have been okay) and lets a stream go, while the two "adults" who were responsible for him laughed their a$$es off. He got some great arc, I'll give him that. Too bad that next time someone walks across that part of the front lawn, they'll be walking through another human being's body waste.
On a related note, I recently discovered the album "Specialist In All Styles" by Orchestra Baobab, a great Senagalese band. The album sounds (to my untrained ear) like Indian or Algerian singing style, with Mexican music. Talk about fusion jazz. :) My personal favourites on the album are Ndongoy Daara and El Son Te Llama.
I've chosen this morning to listen to it. And you know, you really can't get all the nuances of the music unless you've got it at a pretty good volume.
It's sooooo beautiful today. Think I'll go open all my windows.
July 29, 2006
WHAT is with the heat??
July 19, 2006
Here, then, a small C-to-English translation guide:
Melmow: elbow
Beebee seepy: baby sleeping
Beedee: blanket (this one was tough to figure out since it sounds so much like beebee)
Deuce: juice
Up: mouth (this one is my fault, from having said "Open up" so many times and never saying "Open your mouth")
Hoo hoo hock: cuckoo clock
But her all-purpose word, the word that is appropriate in almost any situation, is:
Owie!: stop, don't wash my face, don't try to pick me up, don't try to change my diaper, don't hug me right now, I don't want to kiss you, don't put sunscreen on me, don't make me leave the park, don't try to stop me from doing what I'm doing right now, don't put my hair up, etc.
July 18, 2006
Cute little blog things
You Are Sensual Sexy |
You exude a luxiourous sensuality in your everyday life Turning heads everywhere you go, it's all about your sexy attitude. You're naturally hot - gorgeous in both sweats and stilettos. Your biggest problem is that your utra sexy self sometimes scares men away. |
You Are a Passionate Kisser |
You are the most likely type to kiss a sexy stranger Your kissing style is unpredictable and free spirited You could kiss anyone at a drop of a hat It's all about where your passion leads you |
You Go For Brains! |
You want a guy with a big... brain. And of course it would be nice if he were a total hottie, but you're not counting on it. What's on the inside is what counts for you. (Besides, you can always change the outside later!) |
July 13, 2006
Son is at a day camp today. We're expecting super-hot weather over the weekend, which will be great for my garden. Hot and humid makes my climbing plants (morning glories, sweet peas) jump up. Our tomato plant is already almost as tall as my six-year-old. (Yes, that's tomato plant, singular - we do live in the city with a very small backyard, and honestly, we just don't need *that* many tomatoes!)
Next week will be back to work and back to the regular routine; but I still have a few days left and I'm going to enjoy them for all they're worth.
June 22, 2006
Raindrops, whiskers, et al...continued
I enjoy most kinds of music (exceptions: country, hardcore rap, the heaviest heavy metal, and the truly simpering pop music) , but the stations I listen to most are the rock stations. (As an aside, I also listen to CBC Radio 1 - I am a big fan of Ontario Today and an even bigger fan of Ed Lawrence, the Gardening Guru!) Therefore when a really great dance or pop song comes along - Hey Ya by Outkast, Starry-Eyed Surprise by Paul Oakenfold, Hung Up by Madonna, Shoot to Kill by Oxide & Neutrino - I am usually way behind the curve on picking them up.
I also listen to classical music, and I enjoy the Romantic period the most.
June 20, 2006
Happy, Happy!
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband, and to all the great daddies out there. My hubby is currently a stay-at-home dad who made a radical lifestyle change in order to do what was best for our family. He cooks, cleans, does laundry, and wrangles two active children on a daily basis. Hon, I love you very much and I appreciate everything you do. xoxo
Happy Pride to all my LGBTQ friends! The Pride parade took place in my city this past Sunday and because of prior Father's Day commitments, we weren't able to make it. Next year we will walk in the parade to show our support.
June 12, 2006
Food for thought
Dear Katie, Here is your horoscope for Monday, June 12: Has it ever occurred to
you that the areas of your life where you're most enthusiastic might hold the
key to your financial stability? A hobby or interest has the potential to become
a new career choice.
Hmm. What am I most enthusiastic about? I love being a woman, a wife and a mother. I really enjoy sewing. I'm passionate about the environment. I volunteer at my local sexual assault centre, and I am a strong advocate for higher conviction rate and much stronger sentences for sexual violence. I love to plan meals and try new recipes.
The reason I'm giving this serious thought now is because I plan to go to university in 5 years' time. Notice I didn't say, "back to university". For a number of reasons, it wasn't in the cards for me to go to university as a young adult. I feel as though I'd be really cheating myself if I didn't pursue a university career. Even if I go do university then return to the insurance field, I'll have opened up a number of management-level options that have a university career as a prerequisite.
(I'd like to take this opportunity to add that I don't necessarily agree that for an early-30s career woman with over a decade of experience in my industry, the fact that I don't hold any random university degree, excludes me as a candidate for a job that I would totally rock [not the wording I'll use on my cover letter]. I happen to work in an office with two individuals, both management staff, who hold a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science, and an Honours Degree in Film Studies, respectively. But I digress. I realize that the reality is that if I want to be considered as a candidate for a management job in this industry, particularly as a female competing against male candidates, I need to have a university degree.)
So now I need to figure out what to take in university. I'm open to suggestions.
June 11, 2006
Frank Einstein
Son: Mom, did the live-action Tales from the Crypt-Keeper have music that's as scary as the cartoon one?
Me: I haven't seen the live-action Crypt-Keeper show for about fifteen years, and then it was probably only twice, J. And I've never watched the cartoon one, I don't think.
Son: It has a really scary beginning. It has a kid on a bike, and a candle with spider webs on it, and Frank Einstein. You know him?
Me: I haven't seen it, J, I don't know who Frank Einstein is.
Son: He's been in other stuff.
Me: Do you mean Albert Einstein?
Son: No, Frank Einstein. He's tall and green and he has stitches on his face.
(pause...followed by laughter)
Me: (gasping) I think you mean Frankenstein, J.
Son: Are you sure?
Me: Pretty sure.
June 09, 2006
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
These are a few of my favourite things:
TV Shows:
Prison Break - wayyyy intense and stars one of my secret boyfriends
CSI (the original - can't wait to see what's cooking between Gil and Sara next year!!)
Big up Da Ali G Show! - Respeck. Stars my other secret boyfriend
Friends - by the miracle of syndication I shall watch it forevermore
Sacha Baron Cohen - one of the most intelligent and brilliantly talented comedians on TV. There's no ambivalence when it comes to his characters - people either love them or hate them. It will be interesting to observe what format his show takes as he becomes better-known in North America.
Wentworth Miller - Started out liking him on Prison Break because he was super hot and soooo intense. Turns out he's smart too!
To be continued...spend some time on the edge of your seat.
June 08, 2006
Me, me, me!
I have two children, a boy and a girl. The million-dollar-family, so I've been told (more than once); but to quote Forrest Gump, "I still ain't seen a nickel of that million dollars."
I got married young. I was 19. Didn't procreate for almost six years though so I was coming up on 25 before my son was born. Fortunately it seems I hooked up with the right soul, as we have been happily married now for over nearly twelve years.
About the name of my blog and my URL: My body is carrying a goodly amount of excess weight. It looks good on me. I've got hips and boobs, and my children love to snuggle with me because I'm squishy; and hubby likes my big butt. I decided last year to celebrate my body and all it has accomplished, with a tattoo. Picture quality is crappy but it says "Zaftig".
From :
zaf·tig or zof·tig (zäftk, -tg)
1. Full-bosomed.
2. Having a full, shapely figure.
[Yiddish zaftik, juicy, from Middle High German saftec, from saft, juice, from Old High German saf.]
C'est moi. :)
June 07, 2006
Now every random thought one has at any point during the day can be shared, almost immediately, with not only anyone in a 30-foot radius but anyone with an internet connection. Why do we think anyone cares about the last hour's worth of our free associations?
A bit about me: my name is Katie, I'm 31 and I live in Southeastern Ontario, Canada. I am happily married with a small brood.
More scintillating details to follow. Wait for it.